About Us

Client Satisfaction SURVEY

Tell us about your experience with Absolute Care. Rate our staff and services


Absolute Care is a home health and hospice referral service. Absolute Care strives to deliver high quality, compassionate Client care by referring caregivers committed to the service of excellence. Absolute Care caters to the specific needs of an individual requesting care, while they are in the comfort of their own home. In our effort to deliver the highest standard of home health and hospice care, we make sure our Client’s and Private Caregiver’s fundamental necessities and priorities are met. Absolute Care is proud to say, “We are here for you and your loved ones, during your emotional state and time of need.”

In the event of an unforeseen emergency, Absolute Care has skilled Caregivers who are ready to be referred at any time. Absolute Careis honored and warmed by the trust we have received from our community and client’s. We will continue to provide excellent Home Health and Hospice Care Services. Our services are just a click or a phone call away! For further information or other questions, please call us at: 650-361-1211


Faheemah Breaux started Absolute Care in 2003.
Faheemah has been in the medical field for over 30 years. She has worked at Kaiser Permanente in the Home Health & Hospice Department.as well as, a sta member at the American Red Cross

Faheemah’s father Ben, worked at the Menlo Circus Club in Atherton, California for 25 years. By his example of hard work, Faheemah learned the meanings of dedication and determination.


Faheemah’s mother Janet, who is her best friend, is now retired after 40 years of being a caregiver. Janet likes to teach everyone she meets this quote

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Faheemah continues to dedicate her love and integrity to her business, family and friends.

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